Our approach

Working with us will look something like this but know that it’s not a one size fits all approach. We’ve travelled this path many times before and know all too well that no property sale is ever the same.

Initial phone call



We’ll talk about your current challenges, what you’re hoping to achieve, and whether we're a good fit.

Making it official


This is the last time that we’ll be working separately; everything from here on is a group effort. We’ll send across the paperwork to formalise our agreement and you’ll pay our retainer fee.

You're in? We're in!


Let's get to it. Once the official paper work is done, we’ll schedule a time to come and view your property and talk more about a plan moving forward.  This is where you get the expert advice, clarity and strategy you need before we start.



Clarity + Confidence

We start by helping you gain a clear picture of where your property sits in the market so that you make informed decisions based on accurate and detailed insights on the value of your property.


A                              around your
lounge room is optional, but highly recommended at this point!

happy dance

Specific and relevant insights into the current market, so that you’ve got the hard facts you need to know about your property’s real worth.

20 years of qualified property advice in the local market, generously and clearly explained, we don’t like jargon either. We’re in the market every day and are ideally positioned to ensure that you receive accurate, up to date and reliable advice as well as professional service.

Accurate property measurements. It’s important you know exactly how big your property is so that it can be valued and marketed accurately.

Concrete and comparative sales evidence. We arm you with all the facts so you are confident with our recommendations.

A price guide that stacks up. Setting a realistic price is just as important as appointing the right agent to market your home. We’ll help you set an effective price guide for your home right from the outset, not one that the agent wants you to believe just so that they can win the listing.

Detailed competitive analysis. So you know the calibre of properties you are going to be up against when you take your property to market.

Team Assembly

We do everything that an exceptional selling agent will do but so much more. From remodelista to removalist and everyone you need in between (including the Selling Agent!) you name it we’re well connected which means you will be too.


Real conversations. We talk you through each step, explain the process thoroughly and simply so you are confident and clear throughout the journey.

Maximum marketability (with minimal cost). We’ll advise you on possible renovations or improvements that will have a big impact before you go to market. We’ll also ensure an effective marketing strategy is put into place.

Connect you with reputable tradespeople. Another bonus of having local insights.

Honest insights that you can rely on. We are strictly independent of any real estate agency group so there is no bias, conflict of interest or hidden agendas.

A buyers perspective. We can have all of those conversations around presenting your property for sale, should you paint the inside, should you re-landscape, should you just leave it exactly the way it is, declutter etc. We come into it with buyers eyes and run through everything you can do to get the best possible price for your property.

Targeted agent selection. We know the level of service and most importantly the outcome is greatly determined by the experience of the Selling Agent you choose and their suitability to you and your property. Because we know exactly which sellingagents to connect with and which to avoid we’ll help you choose the right agent. Plus we make the connections and handle all the interviewing for and with you (you can optin or out of this process), that means you don’t have to endure any of the sales hype. We’ll even take care of all the listing paperwork on your behalf.

If you’re interstate or logistics are an issue, talk to us about project managing any required works on your behalf.





Premium Results

At this point we’ve laid the best foundations and set up your property for the straight shot. You’re going to market knowing without a doubt that your home is perfectly presented, priced (or not, if we go the auction route) and marketed for your ideal buyer.


Two teams of professionals working together to get you the best possible outcome in the shortest timeframe possible.

Un-compromised power. In negotiations, emotions cost you money, so we manage the negotiation strategy for you. We insulate you from the selling agent when crunch time comes so none of the usual tactics apply.

Potential outcomes. We know this journey well, so we’ve always got play b and c up our sleeves. Which means you’re never left guessing or stressing.

Tactical negotiation done for you. It’s our role to ensure that the service delivered is worth the commission paid and that the right agent is chosen.

We’ll also ensure an effective marketing strategy is put into place.

Superior Protection

This is where we shine and take the pressure off. We’re in your corner with you, guiding you and having the hard conversations for you. There’s nothing better than a professional biased expert protecting you from the noise, emotions, mind games and time wastage that usually accompanies the selling process.


Once the for sale sign is up it’s our role to act in an advisory capacity without interfering with the Selling Agent. Think of us at this point like an impartial buffer, supporting your decision-making process and ultimately guiding you to achieve the highest possible price without the hassle and stress associated with selling.

Give you objective, professional guidance. Guidance that protects your interests and ensures you get the best results.

Take care of all the paperwork. So you can take care of your family.

Will be your man on the ground when auction time rolls around, setting you free from forceful tactics or pressure and allowing you to enjoy peace of mind leading up to and/or on auction day.

We make it stick.

Our job isn’t done until you’re properly moved out, settled, and the money is in the bank so we’ll be on-call to guide you through to settlement and beyond.


The                          most comprehensive way to sell your home for homeowners like you who know how advantageous it is to work with the best.



Fast forward 2 months + this could be      


(and voice of reason when your heart is talking loudly and fear has you paralysed.)


I'm Tony Coughran


“I’m on a mission to fill the massive gap in the property advice arena.”

Think about the leap from Financial Planners, and the limits their advice has in relation to property, to the local real estate agent who wants to buy your listing by telling you your property is worth whatever you want to hear - still happens ALL the time. We can help you navigate this ‘advice black hole’ with strategic research, independent valuations, access to key property professionals and a pure representation of you ‘our client’ at all times!”

With over 20 years                          and many success stories, we know the right moves to make during the sales process, and we know how to work with the sales agents to get the best results.

With over 20 years
                         and many success stories, we know the right moves to make during the sales process, and we know how to work with the sales agents to get the best results




A Sales Mentor or Sale Strategist is exactly that, we act in an advisory capacity approaching a sale from a strategic stand point well before the 'For Sale' sign goes up. 

We consider all of the facts and give you the knowledge you've been looking for to make informed decisions without the sales hype. We pull together all of the key players you need for a seamless sales campaign and insulate you from the selling agent when negotiations roll round - ensuring a premium sale price, with the best terms for you. 

We work alongside the selected Selling Agent, without interfering to ensure your interests within the selling process are protected 100% of the time - essentially managing the selling process for you.

Think open agent but with real life intel, on the ground knowledge and a qualified expert advising you at every step.

How is one different from a Selling Agent?

As Sales Strategists we look at the entire sales process, including selecting the right selling agent for you and your property. 

Agent selection is one of the most crucial components of a sales campaign - if you get it wrong it can set you back months and thousands of dollars. Just imagine. You choose the wrong agent, they sounded great and promised you the world but since getting your listing they haven’t really delivered. Your listing price is too high so the enquiry is low, they’ve shown a few groups through, had the first conversation about dropping the price, it’s not you, its the market. And then before you know it 2 months have flown by and the property has gone stale. Even if you changed agents at this point, your chances of selling it for a premium have drastically diminished. 

A Selling Agent, provides a computer generated market analysis [CMA] outlining recent sales in the area, lists property for sale, conducts open homes and presents their vendor with offers to purchase when a buyer shows interest. 

The level of service and most importantly the outcome, is greatly determined by the experience of the Selling Agent and their suitability to you and your property.

Also, keep in mind that anyone with a week to get their license can be a Selling Agent (eek!!) but does that get them the same results as 20 years of experience, a university degree in property, thousands of inspections, and hundreds of negotiations does?

We think not.


“We’ve got a mate who’s a selling agent”or “why don’t we use who our friends used they got a good result”

Sounds good in theory, but does your mate specialise in the area your property is located in? And what kind of results are they getting on that style of property, how do they relate to the type of buyer that’s going pay the premium for your property?


“I’ll just jump on open agent or one of those portals and see who’s selling the most in the area.”

Again sounds great in theory, but just because they’ve sold 20 properties in your suburb this month doesn’t make them the best agent for your sale. Are the properties comparable to yours - he could be selling apartments and yours is a $3 million water-front residence? Did they get a premium or is the agent just churning sales over? Did the sellers all have a good experience with that agent?

Can you advise on how to get our home ready for sale?

Absolutely. We can help you with everything from property styling, what the most effective improvements or renovations would be without over capitalising to local reputable trades and even when the best time to sell your particular property would be.


Are you strictly independent or do you just work with a handful of the same selling agents?

We are strictly independent of any real estate agency group so there is no bias, conflict of interest or hidden agendas. We'll provide you with independent and unbiased advice from the moment you decide to sell, until the day your property has settled. Our professionals have the depth of experience required to be able to offer objective and impartial advice to anyone considering selling and will match your property and own preferences to the right and most successful selling agent for you. 

Surely you get paid more than just a retainer fee from us?

Correct, we do. The Selling Agent pays us a professional advisory fee out of the commission that you are already paying them. We can help you make the decisions that matter most, and drive your dollar further. AND you get two professionals for the price of one!


Are you just like those 'Open Agent' and 'Find My Agent' sites?

In a word, no. We don't just collect your data and refer you to which ever agent is on our database and then get a commission. Where is the value in that? And when it comes to the 'free' reports on offer - data can speak volumes but it's not always up to date or accurate for that matter. 

We don't just provide you with a computer generated report to give you the value of your home either. As qualified property valuers, who have valued more than 15,000 properties on the Gold Coast, we actually inspect, measure up and then do our research on comparable sales and on market competition before giving you qualified and current advice. There's a whole lot more that goes into a professional service like ours than just referring you to a selling agent.

Think open agent but with real life intel, on the ground knowledge and a qualified expert advising you at every step.

If you'd like independent advice so that you can confidently make smarter buying and selling decisions and weigh up your options - Get 20 minutes with Tony to talk through your goals and what’s possible given the current market conditions.



Start with a            sales strategy session


GOLD COAST Buyers Agents  |  Valuers  |  Sales Strategists  |  Local Property Nerds

Partner with the most trusted
Gold Coast Buyers Agents

The Gold Coast's most trusted      
property advisors

Together our team has 75+ years of combined expertise and experience - if what you seek is the most qualified market perspective on the Gold Coast, you're in the right place...

We're Tony 
+ Eva Coughran

We've simplified the real estate process creating a smart, accessible and personal service that works whether you’re relocating, investing or just looking to make YOUR next move in property.


Instagram is kinda our thing.


A qualified bunch of Gold Coast buyers agents, valuers, sales strategists and local
property nerds. Think of us as YOUR secret weapon in property. 

We're Tony + Eva Coughran




Case Studies



Hey there!